Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Battle of the Bulge- Part II

Greetings friends. For those loyal to Bury my Lovely, most of you know of my awful moods as of late. While I've been in therapy for a few weeks, I knew something else had to change. I then saw a photo of me posted on my friend Melissa's Facebook page, and was shocked at how CHUBBY I looked. "That can't be!", I thought. "How in the world have I gotten so...large?"

In the fall of 2002 and spring of 2003, Rob and I were members of Weight Watchers. We had just moved to Cincinnati and were about to get married in the fall of 2003. Neither of us wanted to be chubby for our wedding day. I dropped 20 pounds, and Rob dropped 40. We looked great. We felt great. And we looked sharp on our wedding day.

And of course, since September 6, 2003, we have put back on a few pounds. I toyed with 8 pounds for about 5 years. Then I started my own theatre company and bought a house all in 3 months. All 20 pounds I took off those years ago have been put back on my body. Late nights drinking Off the Rail and eating melanges at the Blue Cat probably did me in last summer.

Recently, I stepped back on the scale and gasped that I had put every single pound back on that I took off in 2003. It just snuck up on me. And that, my friends, is what made me realize I needed to do something about it.

This past fall, Rob joined WW through Augustana, and has dropped 15 pounds so far. He looks so much better, and says he feels great, too. So last week, I joined up again, determined that I was to be chubby no longer. Today was my weigh-in, and I lost 3 pounds this week!

I already feel better physically. I work out 4-5 times a week at RIFAC, and have been sticking to the plan. I'll admit, I was REALLY hungry last week. But after day 6 or so, your body just starts getting used to the way you eat. I'm no longer hungry, and am satisfied to eat the proper portions and lower-fat options.

However, the best part about all of this is that I'm starting to feel better emotionally, too. When I get to my top weight, I notice I just feel terrible. But now, even after only 3 pounds, I feel more focused. I have more energy. And I'm happier. Who woulda thought?

And to think, I'm only 15 pounds away from my size 8's. I can do it!

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