Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Anniversaries and Chinese Buffets

A year ago tomorrow, my appendix decided it had had enough and thought it might be nice to throw a party in my colon. Of course, when the appendix decides to throw a party, it becomes inflamed and needs to be removed via a scalpel and anesthesia. It was a raucous time, for sure, seeing as I was in the run of a show. I am glad that it came out though, as it was one of those things I'd always feared. "What will I be doing when my appendix flares up?" was one of those fears I had since childhood. After seeing the giant scars on my stepfathers belly from his surgery nearly thirty years ago, it was something that I greatly worried about. Mine flared up after an hour workout at the gym. I spent a day thinking I had a turd stuck in my colon until the pain became so bad that I couldn't walk. I called Rob at school in tears, and he came riding in on his white steed to take me to the hospital. I was forced to drink a half gallon of Crystal Light "flavored" contrast solution, and had my first legalized drug experience. Morphine is awesome. After not eating for two days, the nice nurses on 3 West (the wing I was staying in) brought me french toast for breakfast. I could have kissed her. So here's to morphine, french toast, and not showering for three days. Happy Appendix-versary.

Rob and I went slummin' at a chinese buffet the other night. These places are just fascinating to me. You pay seven dollars for an all-you-can-eat meal of fried food, undercooked meat and sticky rice. I think it's an interesting culture clash of the small, quiet Chinese women who bring your drinks, fortune cookies and ultimately, the bill, and the giant, fat, loud Americans who come to these places to do what Americans do best- consume and consume and consume. There was this one guy who could easily top 4 bills, just piling the food on his plate. The man was a walking sterotype- giant Bengals football jersey (this thing could cover your 57 Chevy), two plates filled with food, stuffing a crab rangoon in his mouth while standing inches from the sneeze guard, and talking smack to his buddy behind him with bits of food flying from his mouth. It just reiterates the fact that something evil is happening to this country. We weren't always like this. Americans did fine before SUV's, buffets and NASCAR. Why do Americans feel the need to push toward big business/corporate greed, filling their expanding guts with fast food, and consuming all natural resources and fossil fuels to haul their overly scheduled children in SUV's the size of tractor-trailers? What the hell is happening to this country? I love America, and the fact that we as a nation have the freedoms and choices that we do. But what has happened in the past ten years that little girls want to end up like Britney Spears, pregnant at 22 with a white-trash husband in tow, holed up in a McMansion subdivision with no trees that looks like every other house on the block? This country is becoming a slum for commercial greed and conservatism. Maybe I'll move to Norway, where abortion is legal and politicians believe health care is universal. Here's to the people who have courage to think for themselves. Happy Consuming!

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