Saturday, March 25, 2006

Weekly Update

So I've discovered that a pal in the cast of Chess has a blog here on the same website as me! How cool is that. Check out his blog at But I've also stolen his idea (don't be mad, Matt!). A weekly update is a fabulous idea. Although he calls his a "weekly roundup", which is way more cool than my "weekly update". Despite that, here it is.

Job search- I DID get the job at Kids R Kids! I'm stupidly excited to start working there. I'll get benefits, which means visiting an allergist and figuring out how to control my asthma. The best part is that I'll be finished every night at 6pm, enough time to get to whatever rehearsal I'm going to, and not working weekends! Yippie! Of course one of the highlights is that I'll be making a lot of extra cash. Which means-

1. I'll get to pay off the majority of my credit card debt (how stupid was I in college?).

2. Make bill payments on time.

3. Pay off Sloan for "Wishes" (the fantastic painting hanging in my living room).

4. Buy a new computer and couch.

5. Be social again! Now I'll be able to go out with friends and afford that $8 appletini at Mary's.

Chess- We rehearsed last night at the CMT warehouse. Boy was that a horrible nightmare. Like 5 cast members weren't there (again, I understand you're busy, but seriously, we're RUNNING Act One). It was about 45 degrees in there, with dust and sawdust flying around (great for people with asthma), and both the music director and pianist weren't there. Needless to say, we didn't have as good a run as we would have hoped for. Check out this photo from rehearsal that night (courtesy of Matt!) that shows us in the disgusting, meat-locker-esque warehouse. However, Brian and I have now kissed. Not as weird as I thought it would be. It helps that he is gorgeous and a good kisser. It's strange how something that is so intimate between lovers can make you more comfortable around your friends. I'm becoming friends with many of the cast members. Next Saturday, a few of us girls are taking a pole dancing lesson. HA! This is going to be amazing. Just for fun. And that night, all of us girls in the cast are going out for drinks/dancing/party time! I can't wait. It's been so long since I've gone out with "the girls". I need this.

Cincinnati- I think we've decided to stay in Cincinnati. Now that I've gotten this job, and Rob hasn't had much luck in the job prospect area, it makes sense for us to stay. We'll now be able to save effectively, and both of us spend more time on the things that are important to us. I'll be able to do some heavy research, and maybe spend some time behind the stage learning about starting a theatre company. Rob is going to spend some time getting published, and writing pieces for the piano. We're thinking of moving out of Covington, to a place where we can get more room for a cheaper price. We're thinking Bellevue or Dayton, KY. Which is only about 5 mins. from here, but a world away. We'll just wait and see!

Pilates- So I've started this pilates program. I'm telling you I have never worked so hard in my life at an exercise! However, it's been five days, and I can already tell a difference in my waistline, my butt and my arms. This is a great program, that targets all regions of your body, and gives you a total workout. One of the DVD's is a fat-burning workout. 40 minutes of working your ass off. I watch this thing and am thinking "how are all of those people on the video not sweating or bent over wretching like I am?" But it's fab. Plus the 30 minute Pilates DVD, which works muscles I never knew I had. It's so great,I'm cancelling my gym membership!

That's it for now- I'm outta here.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Steal away! But, I do have a request: your readers would like to have more content!! :)

When is the next ladies night out? Heck, you could invite almost the entire cast of CHESS out for "ladies night!" haha.

Sounds like this is a really exciting crossroad for you and Rob. I'm really excited for you both!