Saturday, August 18, 2007

To live outloud

It is true, that for the first time in about a year, I felt truly alive this past week. Having the chance to experience something like I did would make anyone feel as terrific as I do right now. Shall I share it with you?

Monday, August 13

So, as most of you know, my lifelong dream has always been to own and operate my own theatre company. While living in California, I did much planning toward that goal so that when we moved here, all I would need to do is implement those plans, and I hit the ground running. The first was, of course, Quad City Theatre Web. After launching the damn thing, I had a huge response from the QC theatre community. It was something I never believed would happen. Due to the response from everyone, I came into contact with an artistic director of a theatre company here in town. To make a long story very short, the company is in the process of acquiring their own, brand-new theatre space. Because this company only produces September through June, the AD basically said that I could use the space since I will only be producing in the summers. I about peed my pants I was so excited. Of course, there are many things for her company to work through, and mine as well, before all of this happens. But having a theatre space was the only thing I needed to get my company off the ground for next summer. Yay!

Tuesday, August 14

Rob and I packed up the car and headed for the Nati. Our dear friends Matt and Jason agreed to put us up for our brief stay in town. We met up with my dear friend Chuck and his new boyfriend, Jonathan for dinner at Andy's Meditteranian Grill for some hummus and falafel, before heading over to Bar Monet for some karaoke.

(Me, Chuck, Jonathan and Rob)

Wednesday, August 15

The highlight of my day Wednesday was seeing my dear friends Michael and Alan again to rehearse for the show. I hadn't seen Alan in nearly 16 months, and it was a joy to see and work with him again at New Stage Collective. We had a terrific rehearsal, then Rob and I were treated to homemade chicken and rice soup by Matt, while poor little Jason nursed a throbbing headache upstairs.

Thursday, August 16

After a noon rehearsal, we all got ready to go out for a night of great food and a show. We headed to our favorite hangout Universal Grille for a bite before taking in the show Hello Again with Satori Group. Many of my old Nati theatre friends were taking part in the show, so we decided to head down and take a peek. The story goes like this - NSC was supposed to produce Hello Again this month. When budget problems and artistic conflicts arose, NSC parted from the cast and crew, and decided to put up The Last Five Years instead. The cast and crew of Hello Again decided to partner with Satori, who produced the show. Needless to say, I wasn't very impressed with the production of this show. I am a fan of the score, but while I have many friends who participated, it really wasn't worth seeing. Check out the Enquirer review here. After the show, we hooked up with my old friend Josh and his girlfriend Jordan for some beers on the patio at Christie's.

Friday, August 17

This was the big day, and a busy one at that. Rob and I had a donut with Chuck in the A.M., then I met my old student Lonney for lunch downtown. After that, I met up with my old friend Andrew for a coffee and well overdue conversation. After a shower and a nice dinner, Rob dropped Michael and I off at the theatre for the last few moments of readying ourselves.

At about ten to 8, Michael and I were told that the show had sold out, and that people were still showing up! They had to add chairs we were so popular. It was a fantastic feeling, knowing an adoring crowd of everyone we loved in Cincinnati were there to share this amazing moment with us. As Michael held my hand for us to enter the stage, my heart was racing. It was all I could hear or concentrate on, as this was the first time I had been on stage in nearly 15 months. It was a long time coming.

(I'm a part of that)

(Schmuel, tailor of Klimovich)

(Goodbye 'til tomorrow/I could never rescue you)

It really was the most magical of moments I have had on stage in a long time. To be able to share something that intimate with Michael, Alan and the audience was a moment I will not soon forget. Afterward, we all headed down to Below Zero Lounge for cocktails and celebration. We had a blast catching up with old friends, and called it a night around 1, getting our White Castle fix with some cheeseburger sliders.

(Michael and I)

(Mark, Michael and I)

Saturday, August 18

It was quite a bittersweet day yesterday, having to say goodbye. That was what was weird about doing this show was we only had one time to perform it. I kind of liked it that way, as it made it all the more special. However, just being in the Nati made me realize how much I missed it and all the people there.

We met up with our pals Kal and Wade, and their two girls Cacie and Alexa for lunch at Outback. It was a nice, albeit short visit with our old friends.

(Kal and Alexa)

(Cacie and Rob)

After all was said and done, we got home around 9 after stopping in Morrison to pick up Maddy and have a bite with Rob's folks. While I had a blast with my old theatre friends, it was nice to be home again.

(Special thanks to Matt, who took the majority of these photos!)


Unknown said...

Yay! Sounds like you had a great time. I'll be in touch soon - it has been a crazy/bad week since we got back from our vacation...

Anonymous said...

Great coverage Al!
Miss you guys already :)