Monday, February 26, 2007

I feel the Earth move under my feet

That's right, as some of you may have heard on the news, a 5.4 earthquake rocked the North Coast at 4:19am this morning. I was kind of hoping that, during our stint here, I would be able to feel one. Living the midwest all your life, the prospect of actually feeling, or hearing, an earthquake are slim to none. Sure, we've got tornados out the yang, but earthquakes? No way!

It was a little strange, waking up to it. Maddy came careening into the bedroom from her perch on the couch. The sound of her nails on the hardwood floor sent me straight up in bed. Then came the rumbling. It sounded a bit like a wild animal running across the hoods of cars out on the street. It was then that the bed started shaking, and I thought it was Rob! I wanted to wake him from sound sleep and ask him what the hell he was doing shaking the bed! It then abruptly stopped, and both Maddy and I felt back to sleep.

Strange, as I didn't know it was an earthquake until this morning when the kids ran into my office saying "Miss Ally, did you feel the earthquake this morning?!". I smiled and nodded, secretly realizing what had gone on at 4:19 this morning. A mid-western girl, feeling her first earthquake. Isn't that a song or something?

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