Saturday, February 03, 2007

Week in Review

Rob returns today from Rock Island, Illinois, our hometown, from his interview with Augustana College. Thursday night he had a superb dinner with the committee at Savitri's, stayed the night at the spectacular Radisson downtown Davenport, and spent all day Friday on campus. After speaking with him, when all was said and done, he felt he did well, but of course, as the performer he is, is a little insecure about the whole process. He is one of three candidates up for the position, with the other two candidates coming to Augie in the following 5 days. He felt he connected well with ALL members of the faculty, the students, and both the Dean and President of the college. I think his insecurities stem from wanting the job so much (and feels if he doesn't get it, I'll be disappointed in him, which couldn't be farther from the truth) and not wanting to have to wait to find out. Most performers always question themselves when it comes to their art, and his fears aren't abnormal, not in the least. But we are trying not to get our hopes up. We both want this to happen so badly we can taste it. Of course we will be disappointed if the job goes to someone else, but we will survive.

Although, if he does get the job, the benefits package is endless. I could take classes for free at Augie, and our kids would be able to attend ANY consortium college for FREE!!! All I can say is WOW.

With Rob being gone, I've gotten many things done I've been meaning to for some time. Our food pantry was starting to get a weird funk, so I cleaned it out and bleached it out to rid of the nasty stench residing inside. I cleaned the house top to bottom, took Maddy to the spa, went to work and did pilates! I missed Rob, but it was nice to have him away so I could get some work done.

Am feeling good after my bout with the flu last week. The congestion is pretty much gone now, only a runny nose ever so often. I agree with my friend Ann, as I may constantly be sick here due to my unrest with where my life is and this dreadful place. It could be yucky feelings manifesting itself into a wicked virus. Ah well, hopefully we will get some good news in the next few weeks that will brighten my spirit and rid of any nasty energy still hanging around.

Have also been reading up on the GMAT, as I've decided to go back to school for an MBA, not an MFA. I did a lot of thinking, and rather than get an MFA in Directing (something I already know how to do) I should consider an MBA. I have many years of experience and education in the theatre... it's the business side of things I wouldn't have a clue on. Depending on where we end up (or Goddess-forbid, stay here) there are many fine schools that offer an MBA. If I headed back to school full-time, I could finish in a year, two if I just went part-time. Sure, there would be quite a bit of information I would need work on (hello? Statistics?), but I know I'm intelligent, and driven, enough to get it done.

And... just had to post this photo from Daniel Radcliffe's shoot to promote his nude debut in Equus this coming spring. When did Harry Potter become hot?!

All for now!

1 comment:

Matt said...

I'm crossing my fingers that the interview goes well. The quad cities are an easy road trip from Cinci. We'd love to come and visit you (and maybe see some other local sites like the Amana colonies and of course, my alma mater, Iowa State.)

We miss you!m