Saturday, January 05, 2008

Week in Review

Again let me say Happy New Year to all my friends and readers. Our last week of vacation has been quite an eventful one. We spent the New Year holiday with the Prenzies, ate out way too much, and spent a lovely afternoon with Abbey and Anya.

In addition, I got two phone calls this week, asking me to perform in various things in the next coming months. First, Rob and I have been asked by the Development Director of WQPT (our local PBS tv station) to perform in their annual fundraising gala called Champagne on the Rocks at the end of January. I am greatly looking foward to it, as it's a great way to network and meet new people (i.e. donors??) for the theatre company, as well as get to perform again! Plus it's at the ritzy Outing Club (zatzie country club) in Davenport. Who wouldn't want to?

Also got a call from my pal Bryan, who's just recently finished writing a musical. It will get a concert staging at The Green Room Theatre at the beginning of March, and Bryan asked me to take on the role of the "belty free-spirit". I of course said yes!! I sounds like it will be a great time, and another chance for me to start performing in the QC.

Last night was the annual Prenzie Players Twelfth Night Fundraising Gala. Rob and I were so excited to attend and support our friends. Included was a spread of amazing food and drink, a silent auction, live music, and two live-action scenes played out by the Prenzies. The first was an adorable scene from the upcoming Taming of the Shrew, and the second, an awesome swordfight from Romeo and Juliet, where Aaron and D did some awesome combat.

Jake playing his didgeridoo

The folk milling about the room

Jake, Mags and some random dude with a camera (I think it's Matt Moody's kid)

Rob and D

Rob and I

Toward the end of the evening, the Prenzies sang a beautiful rendition of Dona Nobis Pacem, in full-part harmony, that is still running through my head.

We stayed late into the night, probably the last to go that wasn't an actual company member, at 12:30am. The party was to end at 11. Ah well, we had such a great time. I was able to hob-nob with other actors, got to meet Tyson Danner of The Green Room Theatre (finally!), as well as Mike Schultz, the theatre critic for the River Cities Reader. The Prenzies made out pretty well last night, getting away with $60 of our money, and LOTS of donations from the rest of the crowd. We enjoy being with those guys so much. What a great crowd!

Coming up in the next week, I'm directing the staged reading of Take Me Out for New Ground Theatre, and Sunday I'm having all 7 guys (90% of them Prenzies) over to the house for dinner and the read-through. Am excited to get to work with them all. And of course, back to teaching next week, which I'm ready for. This many weeks off can make a person go nuts.


Unknown said...

Love that picture of you and Rob - too cute!

I need to get in touch with you regarding your non-profit. I've got a grant idea for you. I'll e-mail you with the details...

Anonymous said...

Good things happening and on the horizon for you!!

So, with this reading of Take Me Out, do they still get nude??? It would be so much more interesting ;)