Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week in Review

Dearest readers,

Please accept my apology for being absent this week. I was (and still am) fighting a horrible sore throat, which eventually turned into a sinus thing, which left me nearly incapacitated for the remainder of the week. By Thursday, I was feeling great, but sounding horrible. Note to self- get a humidifier; as a singer, these little machines come in quite handy during cold and flu season.

By Friday, I was still fighting a runny nose, but that didn't stop me from heading out to see Fully Committed at The Green Room Theatre, starring Eddie Staver. Afterward, a huge group of us headed out to the Blue Cat for some drinks and fellowship, which was greatly welcomed. I had a blast chatting with Derek, D, Jeff, Andy Koski, Mike Schultz, Aaron and Jill, etc.. We called it a night around 11:30. I'm getting to old for these late nights, but they sure are fun.

A few weeks back, Rob and I had been asked to participate in WQPT's fundraiser Champagne on the Rocks at The Outing Club in Davenport. I would be singing a few numbers, and Rob would be accompanying me as well as two other singers. My dear friend Bryan sang a few, and the adorable Andrea Prestinario, a Chicago actress and singer, joined us as well. It was a grand affair. Rob wore his tux, as did Bryan, and Andrea and I in our best black evening gowns. The event was attended by the QC elite and very rich, all dressed in their best. We hob-nobbed and met many, including the President of THE National Bank, who went apeshit over our performances.

Andrea, Bryan and I

Us plus Rob

When we began the show with Chicago's All That Jazz, my wireless mic decided then that it wasn't going to work. It wasn't a problem for my first solo number, in which Bryan and I switched mics. But when it came time for my second, a big belty number from Wicked, I headed back out and attempted to sing again with a mic that totally died. As Rob vamped, I peeked my head backstage for a wireless handheld, which as soon as I began singing into it, sent an ugly feedback out into the audience. They all gasped, as did I. I tried once more, again with an awful feeback sent out into the crowd. At that point, I actually said "Screw it", turned off the mic, threw it on the podium, and started singing with no mic. Now, I don't know how many of you have been in the ballroom of The Outing Club, but it's quite a large room, with a gazillion-foot tall ceiling. To be able to sing The Wizard and I from Wicked with no mic, filling that room with my voice while getting over a cold was going to be a challenge. But as soon as I threw that f'ing mic down, the crowd started to applaud. It was a moment I will remember for always. This magical little moment between me and... 150 people. And I tell you what, I nailed that song, and the crowd went apeshit. I definately acquired the BadAss Award last night for my rousing, working-my-ass-off rendition of a huge song while getting over sinus congestion. Afterward, I was exhausted, and ready to crash. It was a great night. Next year, I'm asking for more money.

Next on the agenda, I begin rehearsals for Bryan's new musical, and Rob and I are getting ready to sing for Vocal Valentine on February 10 at The Abbey Station. We can't wait!


Unknown said...

Helloooo hottie :-)

AE said...

Having only seen you perform twice, and completely not knowing that song, I can still totally envision that moment. You are so badass! Well done.

cszponce said...

That is awesome about the mic thing as I to have a mic-throwing-down-due-to-feedback story. :-)

Mine was at my sisters outdoor wedding reception in Arizona two years ago. My step-dad and I each had toasts and he used the mic for his and as soon as he handed it to me, it started freaking out. I tried it once and finally said aloud, "I'm a theatre major - I don't need this thing," threw it on a nearby table, and just projected the hell out of it. Everyone could hear me b/c they all were laughing when they were supposed to. :-)

Power to the man/woman over technology!