Monday, February 04, 2008

Week in Review

After a harrowing feat of awesomeness last Saturday at Champagne on the Rocks, my cold finally departed, still leaving me wasted vocally and physically for about two days. Yuck.

I think most of you know that, for Christmas, I got Rob the Twin Peaks Gold Edition Box set. When Twin Peaks premiered in 1990, I was 12. Needless to say, I wasn't really into the show back then, as I was too busy being awkward and lusting over 7th grade boys. However, it being 18 years later, I was intrigued to finally catch all the episodes, and Rob was pretty stoked I remembered his love of this strange tv phenomenon by David Lynch. Last night, we finally finished the last of all 29 episodes.
First things first- how hot is Kyle MacLachlan in this show? WOW.
Okay, next thing... I was so terribly disappointed with the ending of this show. After they solved the murder of Laura Palmer (episode 16 of 29), the show took this horrible down-turn into all this bullshit about The Black Lodge and The White Lodge. I've done lots of reading about how ABC wanted the creators to cut to the chase finally, and reveal her murderer. But did they fire all the good writers at the same time? Jesus. Sub-plot after horrible the sub-plot, the show really couldn't get any worse. What was with the whole Nadine goes into a coma and wakes up thinking she's 16 thing? Let's not forget to mention horrible actor after horrible actor, too. Lara Flynn Boyle? Really? Ugh. Always crying. And Heather Graham as Annie Blackburn? They couldn't find anyone else? My beef with the ending: I understand they had to tidy up all the ends, considering it was cancelled. But what happened to Pete, Andrew and Audrey after the bomb went off in the bank? It sucked that she didn't get to see Jack Wheeler again (Billy Zane? Totally hot). What happened to Leo? Did he lose his grip on the spiders and drop them all on his head? Did James come back for Donna? Why didn't we find out about Donna's mom and Ben Horne? And the end, with The Black Lodge/White Lodge crap. Why even mention a White Lodge and then not show it to us? Those last scenes in The Black Lodge were so unneccessary. In my opinion, that was just David Lynch being weird for the sake of being weird. I'll Netflix Blue Velvet or Mullholland Drive or some shit if I want that. They should've just ended the damn show when they figured out who killed Laura, and be done with it.

This isn't to say I won't watch Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with me, which comes in my Netflix this week.

Got together with some friends this week to watch Lost. It was fun to watch it with a group of people who are REALLY into it (way more than Rob and I), and to hear their theories about how the show will play out. It was a good episode, but we didn't get too much reveal for a season premiere. Ah well....

And the Super Bowl? Didn't even watch a moment of it this year. I'm not into sports, never have been or will be. I'm 30. I've accepted that this will never change, and frankly, I don't want it to. The older I get, the more I realize I don't want to spend valuble time doing something I hate just to be a part of some kind of bandwagon mentality. I spent it watching a movie I've had sitting around from Netflix, eating string cheese and loving every moment of it. I didn't even watch Tom Petty be an aging rock-star on the half-time show. It was awesome.

I've been working my little arse off this week, getting ready to submit grants for the theatre company. It's not hard, just drudgery. And lots and lots of paperwork, which I hate. But I spoke to my pal Peggy today, who is pre-cast as my Kimberly in Kimberly Akimbo. She is so thrilled and excited to start, which made me thrilled and excited (and I'm realizing scared shitless) to start as well. She mentioned today were auditions for the Moline High School spring musical Cabaret, which she is costuming. It brought back so much nostalgia, as 15 years ago, Cabaret was my first leading-role in a musical. Ah yes... 15 years ago. That makes me feel old. My friend Jeff was also a part of that show, and is a reader of this blog. Feeling old, too, Jeff?

Lastly, my workouts have been stellar. I'm at the Y 4 days a week, taking off Wednesday as I teach ALL DAY and can't fit it in. Saturdays I'm taking a yoga class at Davenport School of Yoga, which reminds me of how un-bendy I am. I'm making progress.


AE said...

Billy Zane was in Twin Peaks? Clearly I need to get my ass in gear and netflick this show.

Good luck with everything. I'm excited for your theatrical endeavors; I understand it's hard work. You're going to need that yoga!

cszponce said...

Well, NOW I feel old, thank you very much. :-)

We're so going to see that show together and then going to VI for pie afterwards.

Has Rob listened to the David Cross album yet?