Thursday, February 07, 2008

Precipitation Breakdown

I never thought I would be one of those people who would say something like this... but... I'm ready for Spring.

Over the past few weeks, the QC has been dumped on with ice, snow, sleet, freezing rain. You name it, we've gotten it. I do love the snow. I really do. Being born and raised here, I have grown up loving the stuff, as well as knowing how to drive in it. I'm just saying I prefer not to.

The view from our front porch.

Yesterday, it snowed so much that the entire QC shut down. Schools were cancelled, the malls closed. Even Augustana cancelled classes, and apparently that never happens. Rob and I braved it and went over to my parents for a little while before coming back and watching 3 episodes of Supernatural.

Oh boys, how I've missed thee.

I'm ready for warm breezes. For flip flops. Barbeques. Lemonade on the deck with the dogs. Bring it, Mother Earth. PLEASE.

In other news, today I paid off my LAST debt EVER. Not really sure how it feels yet. Unreal. Surreal. Liberating. I ran both Rob and my credit reports, and it seems like we are ready to qualify for a mortgage. Damn my parents for not teaching me about credit!! I made some really dumbass mistakes when I was younger, because I didn't know the importance until it was too late. But my credit is no longer in the toilet, and it makes me very happy. I want a mortgage!!!!

Also, yesterday I had my final therapy session. Walking in there, I didn't know it was to be my last. But my therapist said that after all the hard work I had done, I was ready to live in the present. To experience my joy and my own essence. Boy was she right. I'm the happiest I have ever been.


AE said...

Good for you!

Hey, you could always visit LA...

Anonymous said...

We've managed to narrowly escape tornadoes, snowstorms, and floods this week. We must be off mother natures radar or something.
Stay warm!

cszponce said...

Congrats! That's awesome news!

Did you enjoy LOST even though all of us die-hards were unable to get over there? :-)

Yes, welcome back to the wonderful winter weather of Iowa & Illinois. At least you've been trained in how to deal with it. :-) It's just almost apocalyptic-ish to think we had almost 8" of snow the same day all those tornadoes touched down. Creepy.

Chat with you soon!