Sunday, February 10, 2008

Week in Review

This has been, quite possibly, the busiest week for both of us in a long, long time. Despite the snow day, we both had a little too much on our plates this week. I've been fighting some sort of dizziness, which leaves me nauseated. Am thinking it could be a residual ear thing from my cold a few weeks back. Who knows. Rob has been fighting the ick, too, and had scholarship auditions this past weekend, which left him drained. We both need a vacation, and we need it soon. The first week of March can't get here soon enough (our spring break!) when we head up to Dubuque and Galena for two days.

Tonight was Vocal Valentine, the Opera QC's fundraiser at The Abbey Station downtown Rock Island. In a beautiful room, the event sold out, and the crowd enjoyed our performances. Especially my Taylor the Latte Boy.

The room at Abbey Station

We did 12 numbers in all, mostly jazz and musical theatre, with a few cabaret tunes thrown in.

Rob and I, decked to the nines.

One of the highlights was to chat with Ron May, president of Opera QC, and my high school music director. As I mentioned a few days ago, Ron is directing the musical Cabaret this spring at MHS, which was my first leading role in a musical 15 years ago, when Ron first came to MHS. What a riot.

Ron and I

Next weekend is my mom and step-dads 25th wedding anniversary, and a big party is on the to-do list. My sister, Lou and Enzo will be down. Also having lunch with Abbey, Anya and Oliver again. Lots of stuff planned this weekend, but a bit more low-key (thank Jayzus).

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