Saturday, February 09, 2008

Lotsa stuff floatin' in my brain

Found this video over at my pal Blake's blog. Everything I love about the Nati and more. Jeez I really miss it. And Skyline chili. While I do love a good 3-way (no naughty thoughts please, just watch the video), my fave at Skyline will always be the Coney. Will be heading out to Nati in April for Chuck's cabaret that I will be performing in. I can't wait!

Have been attending class at Davenport School of Yoga. Their 9:30 class is for beginners, which I definately am. Pilates gave me a good start in keeping my body limber, but yoga is a whole other animal entirely.

Our instructor, Jeani, is this beautiful, teeny tiny British woman who is so nurturing and wonderful I can't imagine her doing anything else. The class is 75 minutes, and she makes sure she always comes around to every person (about 20 of us in class) to assist in asanas (poses), or just to touch and nurture us. The School is located on the 3rd floor of an old building in downtown Davenport, and is the most beautiful, perfect location. Jeani makes sure everyone knows we're all at different levels, and never pushes us to do anything our body isn't ready to do. She always talks about our "power". That each one of us was born to move. Think about a baby or young child, and you'll see them stretch so far past their toes it's unbelievable. We can come into our power again, as we did as children, and live in the present. I think it's quite fitting for me to be taking this class, considering where I am emotionally. I've definately come into my own power.

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