Monday, October 13, 2008

Week(s) in Review

After a long hiatus from seeing my Dad and Cathy, we had a nice visit with them while they were here last weekend. We ate way too much (which is the norm when they are here) and we even got to take them to the Blue Cat to show off our local hang-out. The only downfall of the weekend was having to spend time with extended family I don't care too much for. Being told that "28 is old for having a baby" and constantly being insulted with passive-aggressiveness is not my idea of fun. Seeing Dad and Cathy is always a positive experience when they come to the QC, when it's just the two of them.

Tomorrow I turn 31. To celebrate, Rob and I had a lovely weekend of travel and shopping. Saturday we drove down to Burlington to have dinner at Martini's Grille, a swanky place overlooking the Mississippi River. The drive down was beautiful with the midwestern trees finally turning their autumn colors. Burlington is a beautiful town on the bluff with old houses and railroad money. It reminded us both very much of Galena.

View from our table at Martini's

After eating so much we felt like we might puke or die, we rolled ourselves back into the car and drove home. Sunday, Rob took me to Best Buy to get my birthday present, my new iPod Shuffle.

It's so awesome! I spent two hours downloading 60 songs onto it last night, and still have room for 190 more. I took it to the gym today and I love using it. Rob wanted to get me the zatzie iPod Nano, or even the 2 GB Shuffle, but honestly the only time I ever use it is at the gym, so why in the world would I need something that holds that much information?

In addition to celebrating my birthday, we also celebrated one year with Ike. We went to the shelter to bring donations and brought him back with us to visit. They always go gaga over him and can't believe how good he looks and how social he is. It was a long row to hoe, after all his health problems last year, but he is now the healthiest, sweetest little guy and we are so happy he is in our lives

Ike one year ago.

Ike today


AE said...

Happy birthday!

Ike looks gorgeous. Congratulations -- it looks like you've done great with him!

Arbogast said...

I enjoy my iPod Shuffle, too. I got it in blue. (Poem over.) "In the Year 2525" really lights a fire under my ass while I'm doing my Turkey Trot 5K training runs.