Saturday, December 09, 2006

Week in Review

I think Week in Review more suits my grown-up tastes, these days. From now on, it's Week in Review, and no longer Weekly Update.

Work- I had a bit of an emotional breakdown this week. I won't bore you with the details of all the drama at Kidsclub but to tell you that I'm surely quitting now. The closer I get to leaving this place, the more I just want out. I'm struggling with trying to decide which is going to make me happier- a full-time job making more money than my two jobs put together, or trying to find a replacement for Kidsclub that allows me to keep my finances, and sanity, in tact. The problem with a full-time job for me at this point is the only thing I'm apt to find here in this poverty-stricken town is a secretarial desk-job. Now I've done the desk-job thing. It just isn't for me. I get bored too easily, and sitting for long amounts of time is the bane of my existence. Or I could try to find a full-time gig that allows me to work with children, which is truly a passion of mine. But I've also done the day-care job for children under two- this is why I only teach parent-child classes that last 45 minutes. Being with them all day long is exhausting, and I'm not quite ready to spend 24/7 with a child just yet... So I'm stuck. Which led me to my emotional upheaval on Thursday. Rob held me and told me I have all the choices and freedom in the world, I just don't know it. I'm not sure I agree with him. If... no, when, we leave this place, I want us to have a stockpile of cash so when we do get the F out of here, we are set until Rob starts bringing in the money, and I, ultimately, go back to school. Which leads me to...

Applying for schools- Rob found out just this past week he has made the first cut for the Augustana job. For those of you who don't remember, Augustana College is in the heart of our hometown, Rock Island, Illinois. They started a search for an assistant prof. last year, but some things fell through. Rob made the first cut then, and we were both pretty devestated when they called off the job search. However, they put the search out again just about a month ago for fall, 2007. Rob sent in his materials, with a little blurb about how we are from there and would "jump at the chance to return home". They sent him a letter this past week, requesting his recordings. He is hard at work in the recording studio as I type, getting it mixed and ready to send off on Monday. They are in a hurry to find someone for next fall, and requested the recording be there by next Friday!! We are quite excited, and hoping he gets the interview! Because of this, I'm ready to start applying to schools. We've heard back from a few, but my first choice would be the MFA program in Directing at the University of Iowa. Of course, I'd have to commute for classes, but Les did it, and in May, she graduates Dr. Lesley Coussens, with a phat job as a pharmacist. Ask her about her offer from Osco... ka-ching!! If we do end up moving home, this would be the ideal place for me to study. If not, Western Illinois also has a pretty comprehensive program. Both schools would be about an hour drive each way. But so worth it!

Coming home- In just 10 days, we will be on our way home for the holiday. I can't wait to see my nieces, my parents, Rob's fam, and my best gals, Les, Ann, Kal and possibly my old friend Courtney! As an added bonus, we'll be in Cincinnati for a day, getting wasted with all our pals from that great city.

Random- Rob and I rented Superman Returns last night. Due to my insane love for Christopher Reeve as a child, and complete awe of Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor, I was left a bit lukewarm by the cold veneer created by Brian Singer. While producing such great work in X-Men and X2, I thought we'd see the same emotional pull in this as we have seen in his previous work. Plus I CAN NOT stand Kate Bosworth. She's way to young (isn't she like 22?) to pull off being an icon such as Lois Lane AND mommy to (spoiler beware!) Superman's baby. Ugh. And what was that bullshit at the end, with Superman's horribly delivered dialogue about feeling like an outcast and blah blah blah. Please. Save your money and listen to the critics who tell you not to see it! They were right!

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