Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Entering the 21st Century

That's right, folks. Not only do I have a bitchin' new computer, I also have a wicked fast internet connection. After having dial-up internet for the past six years, this was definately worth the wait. All I can say is WOW. What was I thinking for all those years, wasting time sitting for a webpage to download? Now, pictures download in seconds... and I can finally watch YouTube for the first time in my life! I can't tell you how excited I am.

I've been spending most of my free time playing The Sims 2, which has been far better than I could have imagined. Being such a fan of the original The Sims, the is way cooler than any other Sim game I've played so far.

Other than the new computer, Rob and I spent a nice weekend together, heading down to Arts Alive once again to experience some of the culture in our fine city. It's getting cold here- the high in the mid- 50's. Which is nothing compared to my hometown of Moline, Illinois, who had school shut down last week due to all the snow they received. I'm so jealous. This is another reason why we are in the wrong part of the world. It's December! There should be snow on the ground! Oh well, it's only two weeks until we come home, so I guess I'll just bide my time until I can see some snow.

No word on any jobs yet- Rob had a phone interview this past week for SUNY-Potsdam, upstate NY. I think we'll pass on this one, as it's far more remote than Eureka, with the only activities being skiing, snowboarding, and other outdoor sports... with not a theatre company in sight. No thanks! Hopefully by this time next year, we will be snuggled back in the QC... wishful thinking, I know, but a woman can hope, right?


Matt said...

I love the Sims. I will send you some screen shots of some of my families.

Jason said...

Yeah, I've seen some of those families he speaks of ;)
So glad you got a new computer and your high speed. I would literally go nuts if I had to go back to dial up. So glad things are going well. Take care babe!
