Monday, November 27, 2006

More Random s*%#

Yes, I was pretty depressed over Thanksgiving. It was extremely hard for me to be away from any loved one or friend on the big day (other than Rob). I hastened to mention that in my last post, as I didn't feel like getting a barage of emails worrying about my mental/emotional health. If you lived here, I think you may feel the same as I do. Let's count the reason's why Humboldt County sucks, shall we?

1. The weather- we had about five different types of weather today, all which included sunshine, rain, clouds and yes, even hail at one point this afternoon. I miss having a fall day where it is consistently sunny the entire day, not just for 15 minutes. No wonder the West Coast has the highest suicide rate per capita- it's so f*#king dismal here.

2. I have no friends- what is the point, really? There aren't any A) Gay boys who even compare to Charlie, Michael, Chuck, Matt, Mark, etc. or any of the other fabulous men in my life- B) Interesting, smart, sassy, fun females to feel close to or share private girly things with such as Les, Ann, Sarah E, Kels, etc.- C) People who aren't stoned 24/7. And don't really have the time or energy to devote to creating and cultivating any friendships because (fingers crossed) we'll be out of here by next summer.

3. I hate my jobs- I'm almost 30. Shouldn't I be at a point in my life where I'm working and doing things that I love and am passionate about? Like teaching. However, I need more than 7 students to really make a go of it. Or acting. But considering the theatre (and I use that term loosely) in this town, there is no way in Hell I'll make a go at that, either. I am a glorified babysitter, let's be honest. I care for and supervise some very amazing children, but have to drive 20 miles to and fro each day to make a measly wage doing it. I'm beginning to realize, no matter how cool and fun the kids are, this isn't worth it. The tutoring is fine- I enjoy it, it's only my mornings, and the pay is pretty awesome. But Kidsclub is becoming more of a chore than a pleasure. I feel in limbo right now- we have no idea where we will be next year, so it's useless for me to apply to Masters programs as of yet. I feel so stuck.
However, I do have a really amazing opportunity that I'm hoping works out. One of the newspapers in town is looking for a PT photographer. I applied, and took some of my B&W work down to the photo editor today. If I get this position, I'm quitting Kidsclub, which means more time to devote to singing/performing, and most importantly, ME. Also, what a great way to earn income, doing something I'm extremely excited and passionate about. For a little while anyway, until I can get into a Masters program and go after what I REALLY want.

4. People are freakin' idiots here- Rob and I were out driving the other day when we came past a lot selling Christmas Trees. Here was the sign they had in front.

Need I say more?

Les sent me a link last week- for some fun click here or
here. They both have kept me in hysterics for days now.


Jason said...

You're so getting a big hug and maybe a wet one when I see you next! You're loved sweetie!!

Love that photo of the tree sale.

Matt said...

Hey! I'm sorry that life is handing you bags and bags of lemons. Keep your head up. Some things take time.

I'm sure you'll find some queers and sassy women. Statistically, there are some there. lol.

Miss you!

Oh, Mark Femia and I worked on the DVD last night. We should have the DVDs soon!