Friday, November 17, 2006

Good news

Despite feeling a bit depressed this week, we had some good news come our way. Rob has made the first cut at two jobs, and we found out about both in the same day! One of the jobs is in Seattle- kinda cool, as I could channel my inner Cameron Crowe as well as Grey's Anatomy. The other job is in upstate New York. It isn't the fact that he's made the first cut, it's that he's now two for two. If he has this good of a chance at these jobs, then he has a good chance with all the other jobs, too. This makes us both feel confident that, come next year, we will be out of this theatre-dead town.

In other news, we are getting a new computer! Rob's folks got us a brand-new Dell, with all the bells and whistles. We are thoroughly jazzed- I will now be able to check email again, or post photos on my blog in a flash. Ah, the little things you take for granted...

Tonight is dinner with Elizabeth and Bob. Elizabeth is the voice teacher at HSU, Bob is her partner. While they are both quite nice, I really dread having to sit with this woman, knowing all the while she is ruining her students' voices. Apparently, HSU is doing Urinetown next year and she will be coaching the singers. I'm scared for these poor kids, as she is a legit-girl to the core, with not a musical theatre bone in her body. Hopefully we won't be here next year to listen to them butcher a lovely show.

Am cooking Thanksgiving dinner by myself next week, and I can't wait. It will be just Rob, Maddy and I for the big day. I wish we were going to be in Illinois to see my sister, brother-in-law and nephew, as they will not be home for Christmas. Or down in Texas with my Dad and Cathy. But, as important as family is, we won't be able to make it home. I guess the phone will have to suffice.

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