Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mid-week review

Well, dinner with Elizabeth and Bob turned out to be pretty bearable... although, two glasses of wine did seem to ease us into it a bit. We chatted about many things, and when she started talking shop, I wanted to drown my sorrows in my Riesling. Ah, well, it was still a nice italian meal at Mazotti's- a little like Pompilio's in Newport, but not quite a good.

I did something Saturday I haven't done since moving here... I sang. What?! you may ask, "you haven't sang since August?!". Alas, tis true. I haven't had the time nor the energy to do so. But Saturday, Rob and sat at the piano and sang through a few of my favorites. It was spectacular, that feeling again. It started a chain reaction in both of us to be a bit more pro-active about our happiness while here. We've decided to put together a cabaret act, and we're going to try to market ourselves to many of the local businesses in hopes they want to hire us! If we get some monthly gigs, I will be able to quit one of my jobs, which seems to be more of a drain on me lately than good for my soul. I'm working close to 9 hours a day, and by the time I get home, I have no energy to do my pilates, let alone sing anything. I made the decision months ago to eliminate negative energy from my life... cultivating my happiness and feeling more powerful than powerless is more important to me than working my ass off for miserable pay. I want more time for photography, for writing, for ME, because isn't that the most important thing in life? Taking care of yourself and being happy? I only have one shot at this, and I don't want to spend even a part of it being miserable if I can help it.

Plan for Thanksgiving? I hope all of you will be spending it with loved ones and feeling warmth and happiness this holiday. While ours won't be nearly as fun as last years' (Keith and I in a red-wine coma most the afternoon, endless Trivial Pursuit into the night with Erin and Jason), we will be together, Rob and I, and that will be quite nice. We are also looking forward to spending 4 days off together.

In other news, Rob and I rented the movie Accepted the other night. The film stars actor Justin Long (the "I'm a Mac" guy from the Mac commercials) and a few other young comedians. It was really quite funny- not really a "frat boy" type of movie as I had originally expected. If you get a chance, rent it- it's worth a watch!

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