Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Week in Review

Okay, so I totally meant to post over the weekend. However, the Mother of All Head Colds possessed my body last week and she is still hanging around. I have pretty much exorcised her out, but I still have a little stuffiness clogging my sinuses. Try singing with that BS. It really sucks. Rob has caught it as well, but doesn't seem to be as miserable as I. My worst fear is that she will continue to hang around during our flight home on Thursday. There is nothing worse than flying with a head cold.

Tomorrow, we leave for a day of fun in San Francisco. I am so throughly jazzed to spend a day there. We are going to hit a few of the places we missed during our honeymoon due to Rob's bout with the stomach flu. I plan to post over the holidays, so look for fun pics of our day in the city.

My mom had her knee surgery last Friday, and is doing smashingly. She continues to go to physical therapy a few times a week, and is in good spirits. I am excited to see her and all my family again.

The sad news is that my dear friend Ann's mom has passed. She suffered from MS for the better part of the last ten years, and she slipped away last night. Our thoughts are with Ann and her family during this time.

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