Saturday, March 10, 2007

Week in Review

Travel- While pining for the long-awaited trip we will be making in June (to come home for two weeks) as well as July (out of here for good), Rob and I decided to head out for a little road trip last Sunday. March, so far, has been a relatively dry month, with only a day or two of rain so far. The sun has come out for an undecided amount of time, and, quite frankly, I will not complain.
We stopped in at Loleta Cheese Factory, picked up some delicious goodies, and headed up the Mattole Road. This road heads up the mountain from Ferndale, and winds itself through the countryside until it reaches the Mendocino Coast, fervent with black sand beaches and rough ocean waters. From Ferndale to Cape Mendocino is a mere 24 miles, but due to the winding road, took us nearly 90 minutes. We wound back through the hills and stopped at a state park, having our cheese and goodies during our break. We then traveled back up the mountain, to see beautiful views from the precipice.

We finally ended back at Redcrest after a round trip of 60 miles that took 4 hours to drive, and headed home.

Movies- Sad to say, Rob and I haven't set foot in a movie theatre since leaving the Nati in August. We have two movie theatres here in Eureka (with a few others in outlaying areas) that are pretty ghetto. While you can see both The last King of Scotland or Venus, Dreamgirls is already gone. Due to the nature of these movie houses, Rob and I rely strongly on Blockbuster, which we ended up at the other night. We finally watched Little Miss Sunshine the other evening, which I will say is by far one of the best movies I have seen in years. The directors, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, have a way of capturing the essence of true American life in all its beauty and heart-break. There is a scene at the beginning of the movie in which the family is getting ready for dinner. The father, played brilliantly by Greg Kinnear, calls to Olive, his daughter (Oscar-nominee Abigail Breslin) to come to dinner while the rest of the family is in a hustle to put dinner on the table. This scene was so normal, so eloquent, you feel as if you are watching a play. Each actor gives a real performance, especially funny-man Steve Carrell, who shows acting chops like you wouldn't believe. And little Breslin? What a talent. While I haven't seen Dreamgirls yet (I know, I know), I can't give a true opinion on who should have won Best Supporting Actor. However, Alan Arkin gives a tour-de-force performance as the heroin-snorting grandfather/dance coach of Olive. Michael Arndt, who won an Oscar for the screenplay, has a way of writing characters so real, so tangible, you have to wonder why this movie didn't win every Oscar it was up for. Wishful thinking of an independant-movie-lover, it's true. But if you haven't seen this movie, it's worth all the hype it's received the past few months. Get out and rent it.

The Best Life Diet-... is going pretty well. I've been stricken with nasty hormones this week, so chocolate has been constantly on my mind (and plate). But I'm still moving, getting in my activity, and enjoying the extra energy boost I'm receiving from it. First week in Phase One has been quite nice.

Career- Next Sunday, March 18, I begin my online training in Kindermusik, a child/parent music program for children under the age of 7. Kindermusik is much like Gymboree, which I taught for four years, and I think the training will be enjoyable and easy for me to get the hang of. Kindermusik operates under the assumption that "every child is musical", and shows the importance of music in a childs life! The training lasts 15 weeks, all online, and by July 8, I'll be a licensed Kindermusik teacher! The great thing about Kindermusik is that, once trained, I can teach just about anywhere. Most likely, I'll try to find a location (once we get home, of course) like a church rec room, the Y, a community center to teach at. All revenue is mine to keep, besides paying a minimal annual licensing fee. Kindermusik is a great way to make A LOT of money while doing something I love: teaching children about the world of music!

Days til we move- 137... that sounds like an eternity...

Months til we move- 4... still sounds too long...

Weeks til we move- 16... that sounds much better!


Unknown said...

I'm so jealous of your recent travels (and of your stop at the "Cheese Factory" - sounds yummy).

Congrats on the first week of Phase One! My problem has always been getting my butt in gear. I so want to exercise (and I also enjoy the benefits of the extra energy), but my motivation sucks. What have you been doing? Any advice you can offer?

ACE said...

I will say this- I HATE to exercise. I despise it. BUT, I like the way I feel when it's done. Because I hate to do it, I choose activities that I somewhat enjoy. Pilates is my big thing- I do 30 mins. of cardio, followed by 15 mins. of pilates/stretching to end with. I usually alternate this every other day with walking for 30-45 minutes. The best part is that Rob is doing it too, so we try to structure our workouts at the same time, so we don't miss out on quality time together. My advice is to find something that fits your personality and run with it!