Saturday, March 17, 2007

Week in Review

I apologize for not posting at all this week. I've been doing some writing (which I'll post soon), as well as completing my lessons for Kindermusik training, so I've been a bit busy.

First and foremost, some of you know my best friend Lesley, who came to see Chess in May. She called me Thursday evening and informed us that her mom had passed away early that morning. Joyce, her mother, was stricken with colon cancer a few years back. She struggled with it for quite some time, then went into remission. Shortly after Les and Corey's wedding, they were informed it had come back. Joyce passed Thursday from what they think was a stroke or heart attack from the effects of the chemo. It was a bit unexpected for Les and her family. Her mom was a great lady! Our thoughts and sympathies are with her and her family.

It's been sort of strange around our house the last two days. I had a bit of a downward spiral, which is also why I haven't posted anything. If you recall, my other best friend Ann lost her mother right around Christmas. I can't imagine what my two girlfriends have gone/are going through. With Ann, we were there to talk to her, comfort her, and generally be around should she need us during the time of her mothers' passing. Due to the nature of Les' situation, we won't be able to get home. I can't even get a flight out of Eureka- yet another reason this place sucks so bad.
I couldn't help my emotional breakdown last night. I just sobbed for about five minutes, Rob holding me until it subsided. If I can't be there for my friend, what does that mean? And it also brings up a hairy point... it makes me think of my own mother's health. I worry about her and my stepdad. They don't eat very healthy foods, they don't exercise. It just really makes you think about the people in your lives and how important they are to you. I can't change them, but I do wish they would make better choices regarding their health.

Anyway, on to a lighter note...

Rob and I have been getting out of the house a lot lately. The more free time we have, the more we sit and sulk about how we aren't back home yet. We've been getting out and hiking a lot around the various areas close to our apartment. Last Sunday was a gorgeous, sunny 70 degree day. We took advantage of the rain-less weather and headed up to Trinidad. We packed a picnic, then hiked the mile-long trial that winds around Indian Head Island. It packs a beautiful punch, with views of the cove and ocean from various points around the island.

Cove Beach, Trinidad

Pacific Ocean, Trinidad

Rob and I, Trinidad

As far as The Best Life Diet goes, we are both doing fabulously. We are active every day, and we don't eat past 8pm. I can really tell a difference when I eat past this time, as I feel so awful the next morning! I won't lie, though, it was tough the first few days, not eating something right before bed. But now, I prefer not to!

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