Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Last Four Years


Very much unlike Cathy and Jamie's relationship in The Last Five Years, I have stayed married to my husband, four years today. Happy Anniversary, my love.

We celebrated at Johnny's Italian Steakhouse, where we had our reception four years ago today. Look at this divine dish I had, called Chanel No. 5. Lobster, shrimp, artichokes, prosciutto and cheese ravioli. And yes, it was as good as it sounds.

On a totally unrelated note, my dearest friend Chuck and his boyfriend Jonathan will be visiting for the weekend. Expect pics and stories galore after their departure. I can't wait!

(Me and Chuck)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry it's belated, but Happy Anniversary Al & Rob!!

I'm so jealous of Chuck, I'm sure you guys will have a blast this weekend.

That last pic--- hey, that's my arm!