Tuesday, May 13, 2008


My life has been filled with adventures I had never thought I would get the chance to do. I moved away from home. Far away. I lived my life for five years within the confines of an entirely new existence. I made my home within the beautiful historic neighborhoods in Cincinnati, and the sleepy ocean town of Eureka, CA. I came home just 10 months ago to find myself in a world exciting, new, the same. I befriended some wonderful people who I couldn't imagine my life without now.

Yet no matter the life experience I've chucked away since 2002, why is it that one little thing can turn my world on its axis? Without giving away too much, all I'll say is that you expect your life to be one way, because it's always been like that. But one thing can happen to turn your wildest dreams into reality. I'm not talking about the theatre company. I've experienced what can happen when you work hard and put your mind to it. I'm talking about people. Or person, rather. You expect Person to treat you one way because it's been that way since forever. And then something happens. Person changes. Person begins to treat you in a way that you had always hoped they would. How do you respond?

Because it isn't real. Not really. I've had enough therapy to understand that. The A-ha! moment is only an A-ha! to you. Person has no idea what you've been through and how your life is different because of them. Do they? I mean, unless you tell them, of course.

It's late. I'm tired. I'm rambling. Bleh.

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