Monday, April 24, 2006

I am...

The past few days I've done much soul searching. It's been so very wonderful, being able to understand myself in ways I don't think I have in many years. Last night, Chuck and I went to Chez Nora. We sat on the rooftop, ate sandwiches and drank red wine. It was a beautiful day, and we enjoyed each other's company to no end. I tried out my "no small talk" mantra, and it really seemed to work. We talked about marriage, relationships and ourselves. We realized how much we had in common, how very much alike we are. After, we went to Graeters for ice cream. We sat on a bench while ice cream melted down our arms and I loved it. Made me feel very awake and present in my own life.

Taking a cue from Zach Galligan's blog, I wanted to post some of the observations and off-the-wall things about myself that I felt would be fun to share. Over the past few days I've realized many about myself.

-have no sense of smell.
-have reflux.
-was in an 80's cover band called Ally and the Skinny Ties when I lived in Illinois.
-have hyper-extended elbows. Ask me to show you sometime.
-was born with a club foot. I went through many surgeries as a child to correct it. Again, ask me to show you the giant scar. Pretty cool.
-watch All my Children... my guilty pleasure.
-have a best friend who is a drag queen named Ginger Snap a.k.a. Kevin Mergen. We went to our Spring Formal our senior year of college in drag. Here is the proof.

-have never broken a bone.
-am horribly afraid of spiders.
-am, yes, a natural redhead.
-have a great love for taking black and white photos.
-have a nephew named Enzo Giovannucci. Italian, anyone?
-make the best homemade hummus in the world.

Now please feel free to comment on your own.


Matt said...

Everyone is always saying "Oh, Chuck is so nice" and "Oh, Chuck can sing so well at Karaoke" and "Oh, Chuck is such a genuine person."

Puh-lease. If I hear this again, I think cut off my ears with razor blade.s Or not...

Anonymous said...

hey there gorgeous...

found your blog and just wanted to comment.

Some things about me?


* am entomophobic (bugs.... yeeeech!)

* dislocated my shoulder at the Rocky Horror Picture Show during "Creature of the Night".

* have to have my food plated a specific way before I eat (meat at 4:00. potatoes at 7:00 and veggies at 11:00 and 1:00)

* gave up soda.

* go almost catatonic when someone gently rubs the back of my neck.

That's just a few....