Saturday, June 10, 2006

Passion Post-mortem

I've had vivid dreams as of late. Maybe it's the book I'm reading before I go to sleep. Maybe it's the cocoa puffs before bed. Maybe it's chemical/hormonal. At any rate, they feel so real. I've always been one of those people who remembers each detail, too, as if reading from a book. I could tell you each color, texture, sound in the dream.

I feel myself slipping away from the people who've grown so close to me. I hate this. I dream about them, all of them. I find myself sad if a day or two goes by and I don't get a text message from Charlie or B, or Chuck. Or if I don't hear from Kels or Mark. What was my life for a few months is slowly starting to fall away from me. That, I'm frightened of. I found I was in the middle of a passionate love affair with myself. Finding the person I've always wanted to be hidden deep-down, in that warm, dark place. A place that only a woman can know or feel. She is there. She is me. And I wonder how I can keep her now that this part of my life is over? How do I hold onto that identity and not let her slip away? Because I don't want to go through the rest of my life being something I've always despised- Mini-Van-Driving-Bad-Haircut-Soccer-Mom who is only looked upon as Wife or Mother. NO THANK YOU. Women aren't put on this Earth to just procreate, raise babies, clean house, cook meals, etc.. Don't get me wrong, I respect and admire the women who do those things. But it isn't something that I choose for myself. And I feel for the women who had dreams and goals for themselves, then choose another road. Are they truly happy with their lives? Or are they always searching and yearning for something more? For more of anything in their life because the monotony of their daily lives leaves them screaming on the inside? Sure I want to have a baby someday, but I don't want to let that define who I am. I'm a woman first. A woman with fire, love, passion, desire, wants.

Women I admire-
-Hilary Clinton
-Eleanor Roosevelt
-Sue Monk Kidd
-Tori Amos
-Jill Ciment
-Etta James
-Toni Morrison
-Annette Benning
-Oprah (come on, she's awesome)
-Aretha Franklin
-Alice Sebold
-Joan Allen
-Judi Dench
-Pauline Bedford (my grandma)
-My mom


Jason said...

Great post Al!

You are a strong woman, I love that!! It's important to follow your dreams; I'm learning that myself more and more each day.

I'm so happy in getting to know you better ;)

Hope all is well.

ACE said...

Thank you for that! I often feel like one of those women- slipping away from my own life. But I'm doing good work in letting her not get away from me this time.

Happy to know you, too, baby.

Matt said...

I can relate. Having lost many friends through a breakup, on occasion, I wonder how people so close can leave so quickly...

But true friends are ones that, despite how often you see them, you can pick up where you left off.

You've picked some of the busiest people to be friends with. Don't worry, the true ones will stay. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, darling...we're still here, amidst the chaos. We're never farther away than an email or phone call...

teaii said...

hmmm...somehow, i don't think there's much danger of you becoming a "Mini-Van-Driving-Bad-Haircut-Soccer-Mom who is only looked upon as Wife or Mother." i'm pretty sure your friends would totally tackle you and stage an intervention before it reached that point.

well, i would, anyways.

must be the time for dreams - mine have been quite vivid, too. really need to be keeping a dream journal, see what my brain is trying to make sense of....

we're still here. can't get rid of us that easily.