Monday, June 19, 2006

Weekly Update

It has arrived...- Yes, friends, Smell the Glove showed up on my doorstep last week. Ah the sweet sounds of Spinal Tap ringing through the house. It's so awesome.

Karaoke- Gearing up for my big performance next Tuesday. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. Performing is easy for me, it's in my blood, part of who I am. Plus the words will be in front of me, so I shouldn't have fear that I'll forget them. But there are prizes at stake here! Plus think of what this might do for my studio. What great exposure!

Work- Doing a lot of it. That's all I have to say about that.

OCTA- This coming weekend is the Ohio Community Theatre Association annual Awards Banquet. I'm looking quite forward to it. Last year I won an Orchid Award for my performance in Love/Perfect/Change (keeping fingers crossed for Chess), but was unable to attend the big bash because I was performing in Kimberly Akimbo. Such is life for an actor... but this year I'm going with three fellow actor girlfriends. We are going to have such a blast! Booze, food, great company, and big-ass party at the end of the night. Can't wait!

Health- Keeping on the good health kick I started in March, I'm feeling great. The pilates has completely changed my body. The damned shingles are finally gone. The pain only comes every few days or so, and I know I'll have some scarring. Hopefully it will subside before I don the hot dress for Saturday night.

Vacation-...all I ever wanted. The week of July 10th, Rob and I will be heading south for a few days. We're going to stop in at Louisville for some fun at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom (soooo much better than Paramount's Kings Island), visit some bourbon distilleries, and take in the sights. Then a few days at romantic General Butler State Park Resort and Spa. We really need this... this time together away from everything. Then the last weekend of July we're heading home to the QC for Bix weekend. The late jazz great Bix Beiderbecke was born in Davenport, Iowa (one of the Quad Cities), and lived a whirl-wind life as a jazz phenom until he died, deathly-ill and broke, at the young age of 28. Every summer, my hometown puts on this huge festival, with a 7-mile run up the hill from Hell Brady Street Hill, then three days of food, fun and dixieland jazz (which can also qualify as Hell to most). It's pretty cool, except for the idiot parents who decide to bring their children down in strollers the size of a back-hoe in 95 degree heat. Always fun. The real reason we're going home is to see my sister and brother-in-law Tina and Lou and my nephew Enzo. The last time we saw him he was just crawling. Now he's walking and talking. I'd like to see him again before he graduates from college. Hopefully we'll get in some time to see Les and Corey and take a dip at the fun pool at Middle Park.

More later.


Jason said...

Sounds like you have a full plate!
Good luck with your Karaoke contest and I have my fingers and toes crossed for your win with Chess!

I'm glad you're going to get some vacation time in there! I may get to see you between one of your breaks next month ;)

Miss ya darlin!

ACE said...

Yay! Are you coming back to visit? It would be great to see you again baby!!!!

Jason said...

Looks like I'll be heading your way the third week of July. Can't wait!!

Take care!