Monday, March 24, 2008


After not sleeping for days last week, I contracted Rob's flu. He is finally back to normal, which makes me feel somewhat better. Like there is an end in sight.

Why have I been so sick this year? Is it because I hadn't lived here in 5 years? I was sick many MANY times in California, but attributed it to the mold, the dampness, the cold weather, and what folks in Humboldt county called "The Humboldt Ick". But why now? It's nearly April, and I am laid up with the same flu that has ransacked the entire Quad City area (well, Augie at least).

Today is the first day since Thursday that I've felt somewhat human... but not really. Today was, however, the first day I got out of my pajamas, and subsequently, out of bed. While being an atheist means we don't really celebrate any sort of Easter holiday, I still would have rather been eating brats with my parents than eating scrambled eggs in bed watching The Goonies.

Ah but I will say this. There is nothing like the Flu Diet to help you get back into svelte shape. With a diet of chicken noodle soup and scrambled eggs for 5 days, one is bound to lose a few pounds.

I am ready to get back to normal. To get back to work. To teach, to function in the outside world. Hopefully tomorrow....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ugh. That sounds awful. I'm still recovering from the bronchitis I got 2 weeks ago. Everyone around me is sick - co-workers, family, etc. It's like you can't escape it. Good to hear you're on the mend, though. I watched The Goonies when I was sick, too!! It was one of the few things that made me laugh (which of course, made me cough...but it was worth it!).