Sunday, May 28, 2006

Belle of the Ball's Weekly Update

Last night was the 5th birthday party of my baby girl, Maddy. She was definately the star of the shindig. A good time was had by all, especially Maddy, who was fed hot dogs all night by B (scroll down to see for yourself). We were all in paradise as 80's music kicked off the party. With a keg of Rolling Rock and 80 hot dogs to be eaten, things got a little wild by the end of the evening. I started screaming at people (so very sorry to you all), Justin brought a "shit" cake (seriously this thing looked like a pile of dung, complete with TP, corn and plastic flies) and the musical revue of Wicked was happening in my very own living room, starring Charlie as Glinda. Enjoy the pics from the nights events.

Andrew and Maddy have a dance. Awwww....

Stylin' hat, B.

Andrew does his best Napoleon Dynamite to Jamiroquai's Canned Heat. Thurm watches on.

Between these two, all I can say is....WOW.

My guy Chuck and I a.k.a. "Grace N.K.Y."

Thurm, rockin' out.

Health- Haven't been feeling too good the last week. I contracted a sore throat early in the week, which turned into a wicked stuffy nose. All of that is gone now, with the exception of my sexy, raspy voice. It would be hot if I didn't have to actually sing for a living. But still feeling good on the pilates kick! I've lost another 2 inches all around. I'm quite happy about the whole thing.

Friends- I really should rename this Family. Because it's starting to feel that way to me. Being 7 hours from home is often hard on me. I don't see my parents but 3-4 times a year. I haven't seen my nephew since September. It's very difficult to not have people you love and count on near. The more I'm with these certain people, the more I feel at home with them. Warm. Comfortable. Like I belong. They don't care what my life looks like right now. All they want is for me to be happy. The hard part is now, what does happy look like? But they support me. Are behind me. Thank you, family. You know who you are.

Next Saturday- For those of you in the area and not busy on Saturday, June 3, I'll be performing at Summerfair at Historic Coney Island. It's only $9 to get in, and I'm performing at 11:30 at the Gazebo Stage, directly across from Moonlight Gardens. Come see me sing showtunes for a half-hour (wish they'd let me rock out, but that's a no-go). If you're not in the area, wait until next weekend and I'll post photos. In the evening, I'll be spending time with said family to go see Urinetown, put on by my good friends, the Showbiz Players. I hope it doesn't suck.

Love to all.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sad I missed it! Damn that other show. Miss you! Glad to hear it was a great time.

Anonymous said...

I missed you guys too. Alas, family duty calls.

Jason said...

Looks like a smashin good time was had by all ;)

Good Luck with your performance at Coney Island. Wish I was going to be there. Maybe I can bribe you to perform a few next week? ;)

ACE said...

J- Anything for you baby. When will you be here? June 6-7? Maybe we'll try to find some kareoke. I can't wait to meet you dollface!