Tuesday, May 02, 2006

No small talk/Chess/All living things

Despite having wretched allergies, I have come to love Spring. I enjoy taking Maddy for her walks during the Spring because it’s like she’s a puppy again. She stops to smell every flower, blade of grass, or pile of poop she crosses by.

For some reason, I have a backyard that all living things love to congregate at. Recently, a mama and papa cardinal built a nest in the bush right outside the front door. It’s been fun watching them come and go. Their two babies just hatched recently, and as I sit at the computer, I always see mama come back to the nest with food. Unfortunately, Maddy realized there were a family of birds living in her backyard, and has come to torment them the past few days. Just this morning, I came out to find her batting one of the babies around between her paws! Stupid dog. Pulled her inside and came back out to see the baby was gone. I’m pretty sure mama came back to get the baby. But I went outside just now to find the nest empty. I don’t blame them. I’d get the hell outta dodge too if a hairy monster was batting around my baby.

This morning I looked up to see a mama duck, just walking around the backyard! I came outside with some bread. She ran away, but as soon as I starting throwing bread at her, she came running back with her mallard in tow. The two stuck around for about 20 minutes, eating bread and exploring the backyard.

I had a realization the other day. My no small talk mantra seems to be holding up pretty well. Kelsey and I had a real conversation the other day. It was strange. She said “so tell me what’s going on” and I just blurted everything out to her. I didn’t even care what she would think when I said it. I just did it. And she sat and listened and gave her support. It was great. But about small talk... I hate small talk because I’m lousy at it. I really am. That’s why I think Chuck and I get along so well- he’s lousy at it, too. So when we’re together, we instantly launch into something substantial, with meaning. And why is it that I can be so comfortable around some people and so uncomfortable around others? Why is it that I get tongue-tied around certain people? So then I can’t make small talk, or rather, talk about anything. Maybe it’s because I’ve spent a good portion of my life being “talked-over” or interrupted.

It’s tech week at the theatre. Last night was dreadful. The first night of tech is always stressful. Tensions were running high for all members of the cast and crew as they were frantically taping spike marks, running set changes, etc.. But always knowing it’s going to be a rough night helps to keep me calm. Very rarely do I complain or bitch about how fast/slow it’s going. I try to stay out of the way as much as possible and help when I can. It’s just surprising to me to see people get so worked up over something so minor in the long run, who are just trying to flex their muscles. Please. We’re all in the same boat, and once we get comfortable with all the changes/cues, it’s going to be great. Let’s just calm down, people! We’ve got a great show.

Two days until I see my Dad!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Although I don't know Kelsey all that well, I find her to be a very genuine person and a great listener! :)