Sunday, May 14, 2006

Weekly Update

I woke up today thinking I would have a feeling of horrible melancholy over the end of Chess. We had a great run, amazing response from audiences. But the best part is the strong friendships I've created during the process. Today was a good day. I spent the morning with Lesley and her family, having brunch and then over to DSW for shoe-shopping! I didn't spend any money, but enjoyed the time with my best friend. When I returned home, I spent a good 90 minutes on the phone with one of these new friends. It made my day. My week, really. Because it made me realize the importance of cultivating something meaningful to me. And knowing that I'll keep this person dear to me. We laughed about dorky things we did as kids, talked about the brilliance of Pink Floyd, Rush, Yes, Journey, and ridiculous inappropriate movies the other needs to see. I could see that, yes, it was going to be okay.

Friday night was our final cast party. We all had a fabulous time. The hard-core's stuck around to close down the bar. Here are some pics from that night.

By the end of the night, I was drunk enough to show off my favorite party trick- hyperextended elbows.

One last pic- me and my girl Les after the show on Saturday.

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