Sunday, May 07, 2006

Weekly Update

What a nutty week! All time has been, of course, devoted to Chess. What a great opening weekend we had! Friday, Saturday and Sunday we had a pretty nice audience, with Sunday being our best show (at least it was for me!).

The best part of this weekend was that both sets of parents came in for the show. Here is a pic of Dad, me and Cathy after the Friday night show.

Mom and Bert came in late Friday night. Had breakfast with BOTH sets of parents Saturday morning, which was quite lovely. Mom and Bert came to the Saturday night show, then joined us at the cast party at my house Saturday night. I have no cast party pics- was too busy entertaining and making sure everyone was happy to take any. Everyone had a great time at the party- Charlie wrestled Maddy, and no one ended up vomiting in my bathroom. All in all, a success. Here is Mom, Bert and I in front of our big poster outside the theater.

After the Sunday matinee, a bunch of us went to Nicholson's across the road for food, booze and great fellowship. I drank a pinot noir and ate fried food. We had a blast. Here are some pics- I don't know who is in them. You all know who you are.

Have had a fantastic week. As I've said, many changes going on, which has kept me challenged in focusing on the show. Have been feeling more like a grown-up this week. Have been happy. Like Matt, I've been smiling a lot. These people make me laugh, feel free and everyone enjoys being around each other. I need to keep more people like this in my life.

I have Monday off, with the exception of two students. I'm going to sleep in! No fried food tomorrow, do my pilates, and go buy a new pair of pants. People are making fun of me because I've lost so many inches, the one pair of jeans that used to fit, are now too big. What an awful problem to have, isn't it? Can't wait to fit into a smaller size, something I haven't done since high school!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Well, you've performed amazingly this last week! And you deserved an almost day off!

As just another example, one of my coworkers who will remain anonymous (Jelica,) cried at your drama at the end of Friday's rehearsal.

You rock!