Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A case of the randoms....

It's been a nice couple of days, my friends, since the boys left town.

Have been corresponding like mad with my new pal Tristan. He is so fabulously talented and I'm quite sure he's the most modest of tenors I've ever met. Did you see the video I posted? Yah. He's quite possibly the best smelling, most talented young man I've met in years. Plus he's easy on the eyes. We are chatting over coffee this week on how the two of us can get to work together within the next few months, which we're hoping won't be too terribly difficult.

After Saturday night's cabaret, Rob and I have been asked to be the entertainment for Quad City Opera's Vocal Valentine, their annual Valentine's Day soiree over at The Abbey Station downtown Rock Island. Ron May, my high school choir director, was so impressed with Rob and I, apparently he ran right to his good friend Angela (who runs Opera QC) and said he had to have us for that night. We of course said yes, as it pays nearly the monthly rent on our house! HELLO?!

In other news, I get a text from Chuck today that says "I applied for AT&T in Davenport", which made me promptly call his ass and say "WTF??". Yes, Chuck loved the QC so much, he's thinking of moving here. Chuck is in desperate need of change in his life, and he's got it in his head that this is the place he'd like to try. I'm game! Pack your shit up, honey, and come on down!

Things are happening, folks. It felt sort of stagnant for a few months. For me, at least. Now? Life is happening all around me. And I'm electric just thinking about it.

1 comment:

q... said...

OMG!! Chuck possibly moving here?? I will keep my fingers crossed! That would ROCK!
Congrats on the singing opportunity. Sweet.