Sunday, December 09, 2007

Week in Review

Last night, Rob and I hosted close to 25 people at our first Holiday Party in two years. We love to entertain, and this was the first time since living in Cincinnati that we were able to do so. We had such a blast!! While Rob spent most his time downstairs with much of the Augie faculty, I stayed upstairs with the Prenzies talking late into the night. By 1 A.M. everyone was gone, and the dogs were exhausted from all the excitement (not to mention us, too). Highlights of the evening? Hearing Jake's Michael McDonald and Elvis impressions, Andy's take on Mannheim Steamroller, and Peggy saying she would take a crack at 25 year old. It was a sweet evening with good friends and company. I didn't get to snap to many photos, as I didn't care so much about that. Rob did snap this one of me before the masses arrived.

Little Jamie Robertson made an appearance last night, too, the only kid in attendance. What a cutie! (That's Vicki, not his mom, holding him)

Next weekend is the big Holiday Cabaret. My singers are excited, if not a little nervous. We've been getting some really great press from many of the local theatre critics, so we're hoping for a great turnout. Chuck will be here soon, and I'm hoping Kev decides to make it down, too (Kevin, drag your gay ass down here, will ya??).

And in other news, the obsession continues....

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