Friday, April 20, 2007


Spring has sprung in California. For the first time in months, it is finally more sunny than cloudy. It rained a little last night, but it's been sunny all week! There is just something about Spring that always makes me nostalgic and long for things in my past. When the weather gets warm, and the sun shines, it's time for me to crank out the ACDC, Halen, Boston. It makes me feel young. It makes me feel happy, like I am part of some unseen community of people who love to rock out.

I've been feeling really good this week. I'm sleeping, for one, and that has made so much of a difference in how I am feeling. I'm eating well, and the most important thing is, I'm getting 45-60 minutes of cardio/strength-training/pilates EVERY SINGLE DAY. My energy is through the roof. It's unbelievable. Plus, the beauty of working out is two-fold. One, the more you work out, the more you can eat. And I love to eat. But I've noticed my eating habits have changed. I stop when I'm full, I eat the right things, and control my portion sizes. Two, I'm looking f'in hot. 4 weeks ago, I was in my fat pants. Yep. Size 14 to be exact. Ugh. Two weeks ago, I was down to my interim pants. Size 12. Not great, but better. But now, people? Back in the size 10's. Yep. I look goooood. I'm hoping to be in a size 8 by the time we get to the Nati. And on the road I'm traveling now, it won't be too long!

In other news, just heard that they recently cast the long-awaited movie version of my favorite book, The Time Traveler's Wife. The beautiful and talented Rachel McAdams will be playing Clare. She is so terrific, and I'm glad they chose her. She will be perfect in that role. And Eric Bana will be playing Henry. I haven't seen him in much, but he's pretty good, and I think he looks just like Henry ought to look in the novel. Just perfect.


Unknown said...

Loved The Time Traveler's Wife! Hadn't hear they were making a movie of it - a definite must see.

Congrats on your commitment to exercise, and all of the amazing benefits you've experienced! I need to get back on track.

AE said...

Oh wow. I don't know about Eric Bana. I pictured Henry as being older and unprettier.. more like Iggy Pop. That was such a beautiful book, though; it was one of the most recent books to make me just weep and weep.

Your exercise comments are really inspirational. Go you! Can I ask if you're working out at home or at a studio-type place? I recently had a nasty run-in with a swimsuit and was reminded of the need to be in shape.