Sunday, April 29, 2007

Week in Review

Health- Still feeling pretty good, with the exception of my weirdness on Wednesday. It's strange how much energy and stamina I have now, after working out every single day. I feel so great! Plus, fitting in my skinny jeans is pretty nice, too. As far as emotional health, I am doing fine. I have my up and down days. I've been on the meds for 3 weeks, so I don't expect them to really fully kick in for a few more weeks. But the constant working out and eating right has helped tremendously!

Jobs- Well, I still hate South Bay, but what else is new? 4 weeks and 3 days. Am trying to continue to tell myself that I can do this, I can stick it out. And I must, because we desperately need the money. In other news, both Rob and I have found part-time jobs on the side. Rob started at Blockbuster just last week, and tomorrow, I start working at Bath and Body Works. I'm excited for this, as I get a generous discount there and other stores, such as Victoria's Secret, White Barn Candle, and my absolute favorite store, Express. Plus, the extra money will help us immensly.
The cool part about Rob working at Blockbuster is that he gets 5 free movie rentals a week, and gets New Releases a week before they hit the shelves! Last night, he brought home Dreamgirls, which we didn't get to see in theatres. I know I am 5 months behind the times, but WOW, was this movie good. Sure I'm a sucker for big showy musical numbers seeing as I like being in them myself. But the performances are what sucked me in. After seeing this movie, I now see that Eddie Murphy should have won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar. He was brilliant- way better than his Party All the Time days. Alan Arkin was terrific in Little Miss Sunshine, but he was no match for Eddie. And I wasn't sickened by Beyonce's performance! She was quite good, and they made her look so beautiful. Of course, props to Jennifer Hudson, who just took my breath away in every scene she was in. Man, can that girl sing. The best part? Her acting skills far outweighed Beyonce's, Jamie Foxx's and anyone else in that movie. Her "And I'm tellin' you" scene was so engaging, powerful, and wonderful. Her performance in that scene was what won her the Oscar for sure. Plus, as the movie went on, you could really feel like she was aging as time passed. What a performance.

Myspace- It's been a fun week on Myspace, getting random friend requests from people I haven't seen or heard from in years. It's been a wonderful way to keep in touch daily with the people who are important in my life. I have reconnected with my brother and sister, old friends, current friends. Just terrific!

The Coast- It's been weird, these past weeks, knowing that we are so close to leaving. Only 87 days, to be exact. The waiting is excrutiating. When you want something this bad. Rob teaches an adult Piano class on Wednesday evenings. After talking to a few of his students, they informed him that most people who move to Humboldt County, and weren't born here, often flip out after about month 20. They just go nuts. This place changes people, they said. That if a person gets a job here, their spouse will beg them to leave within two years. They can't stand the rain, the gloom, the clouds. The lack of self-worth, self-importance, the lack of culture, and manners. All of it. I can definately understand, for sure. I am ready to leave. I'm ready to be done with California (at least this part of it). I'm ready to follow my bliss. Now, if I can just make it to July....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are go-getters. The little bit of straight in me wants to say, "Get R Done"! I will never say that phrase again, I swear!! Don't burn yourself out, take time for yourselves. Oh, and Express is like the gay mothership for Matt and I. lol.
